From BF2 Technical Information Wiki
This script is a modified version of the default tkpunish script.
Clanmembers is a list of current members that will be protected This is the only code changed besides the declare of the list.
def onPlayerKilled(victim, attacker, weapon, assists, object): string1 = attacker.getName() #Is the attacker protected against punishments? If so, dont handle the event and return for ncount in clanmembers: if string1 == ncount: return
# tk punish system import bf2 import host from bf2 import g_debug TK_PUNISH_TIME = 20 TK_PUNISH_COMMANDID = 100 TK_FORGIVE_COMMANDID = 101 hasPendingTks = {} updateTimer = None clanmembers = ["|TAG|Bill","|TAG|John","|TAG|Blue"]#clan members to protect class TkData: def __init__(self): self.punished = 0 self.pending = [] self.lastTKedBy = None def init(): if g_debug: print "initializing tk-punish script" host.registerHandler('PlayerConnect', onPlayerConnect, 1) host.registerHandler('PlayerKilled', onPlayerKilled) host.registerHandler('ClientCommand', onClientCommand) # Connect already connected players if reinitializing for p in bf2.playerManager.getPlayers(): onPlayerConnect(p) checkEnable() def checkEnable(): global updateTimer if not bf2.serverSettings.getTKPunishEnabled(): if updateTimer: updateTimer.destroy() updateTimer = None return False else: if not updateTimer: #if g_debug: print "Started timer" updateTimer = bf2.Timer(onUpdate, 10, 1) updateTimer.setRecurring(10) return True def onUpdate(data): if not checkEnable(): return global hasPendingTks #if len(hasPendingTks) > 0: # if g_debug: print "update: Has pending tks!" #else: # if g_debug: print "update:No pending tks." currentTime = host.timer_getWallTime() newPending = {} for attacker in hasPendingTks.iterkeys(): newList = [] #if g_debug: print "attacker pending list:", len(attacker.tkData.pending) for tk in attacker.tkData.pending: tkDate = tk[0] tkVictim = tk[1] #if g_debug: print "check %d %s" % (tkDate, tkVictim.getName()) # if there is a pending TK with time expired if tkDate + TK_PUNISH_TIME < currentTime: if bf2.serverSettings.getTKPunishByDefault(): attacker.tkData.punished += 1 checkPunishLimit(attacker) # if g_debug: print "Default punished ", attacker.getName() else: # if g_debug: print "Timeouted pending tk for ", attacker.getName() pass # remove player from global list, if it was the last tk if len(attacker.tkData.pending) == 1: pass else: newPending[attacker] = 1 else: newList += [tk] newPending[attacker] = 1 attacker.tkData.pending = newList hasPendingTks = newPending def checkPunishLimit(player): #if g_debug: print "player %s has %d punishes" % (player.getName(), player.tkData.punished) if player.tkData.punished >= bf2.serverSettings.getTKNumPunishToKick(): if g_debug: print "%s reached punish limit" % player.getName() if g_debug: print "Banning player!" result = host.rcon_invoke("admin.banPlayer " + str(player.index) + " Round") # event actions def onPlayerConnect(player): player.tkData = TkData() def onClientCommand(command, issuer, args): if not checkEnable(): return #if g_debug: print "received client command" if command == TK_PUNISH_COMMANDID: executePunishAction(issuer, True) elif command == TK_FORGIVE_COMMANDID: executePunishAction(issuer, False) def onPlayerKilled(victim, attacker, weapon, assists, object): string1 = attacker.getName() #Is the attacker protected against punishments? If so, dont handle the event and return for ncount in clanmembers: if string1 == ncount: return if not checkEnable(): return if not victim or not attacker or victim == attacker or victim.getTeam() != attacker.getTeam(): return # ok, we have a teamkill currentTime = host.timer_getWallTime() attacker.tkData.pending += [(currentTime, victim)] hasPendingTks[attacker] = 1 victim.tkData.lastTKedBy = attacker # can only punish / forgive the last TK'er bf2.gameLogic.sendClientCommand(victim.index, 100, (2, victim.index, attacker.index, TK_PUNISH_TIME)) def executePunishAction(victim, punish): if not checkEnable() or not victim or not victim.isValid(): return attacker = victim.tkData.lastTKedBy if attacker == None or not attacker.isValid(): return global hasPendingTks if punish: if g_debug: print "%s tkPunished %s" % (victim.getName(), attacker.getName()) else: if g_debug: print "%s tkForgive %s" % (victim.getName(), attacker.getName()) currentTime = host.timer_getWallTime() newList = [] for tk in attacker.tkData.pending: tkDate = tk[0] tkVictim = tk[1] # if the attacker had a pending tk, and time has not run out if tkVictim == victim and tkDate + TK_PUNISH_TIME > currentTime: if punish: attacker.tkData.punished += 1 bf2.gameLogic.sendClientCommand(-1, 100, (0, victim.index, attacker.index)) # 100 = tkpunish event, 0 = punish if g_debug: print "%s punished %s, now has %d punishes" % (victim.getName(), attacker.getName(), attacker.tkData.punished) else: bf2.gameLogic.sendClientCommand(-1, 100, (1, victim.index, attacker.index)) # 100 = tkpunish event, 1 = forgive if g_debug: print "%s forgave %s" % (victim.getName(), attacker.getName()) else: newList += [tk] attacker.tkData.pending = newList if len(attacker.tkData.pending) == 0: del hasPendingTks[attacker] checkPunishLimit(attacker)