Talk:What Ports

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Revision as of 13:03, 9 August 2005 by RaH (Talk | contribs)

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I realize that this WIKI is relating to the Python module and admin'ing aspects of BF2, but a problem I have come acrossed is that the BFHQ portion of the game querries through port 80, I have as yet been able to find a way to alter this to allow for people who use proxies. I am sure I am not the only one with this issue, and after some research I have found scant details on changing the querry port. If anyone has details or an idea of where to look, I would be greatful. I have been through all the Python scripts as well as the games executables. Tonight I will start poking aroung the dll's. From what I gather so far, the URL is hard coded in the main executable.

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