Feature Requests

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Revision as of 21:43, 13 September 2005 by Gotfried (Talk | contribs)

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Requests for new features in BF2 are reported here primarily for the benefit of the BF2 community, so we can try to collect together everyone's best ideas for improvements to BF2 that we'd like to see. We have no feedback from EA or DICE that they even look at this page (or any other website or email address) for feature requests, so please do list your ideas here, but please do not assume that putting them here means they are on a "to do" list for anyone at EA or DICE.


General Features

  • Add a friends or buddy list to the server browser.
  • Add username and password command line parameters to client so that it can be started from an external server browser, such as All-Seeing Eye.
  • Eliminate the curses display as the default for the Linux server, so that one can interact with the console with normal Linux tools like screen and line-buffering editors.
  • Add a DDE listener or TCP socket to the client that accepts a join command, so that the running client can immediately jump into a game on command from an external browser without going through the various process startup delays such as connecting to the authentication server and dismissing the "new unlocked weapon" dialog. The current delay means that by the time the connection is attempted, the server's empty player slot is probably already full.
  • Add a "busy redial" to the server browser, and allow it to select multiple servers.
  • Add a Favorites button to the server browser. Also add an "Avoid" button to select servers one never wants to join.
  • Full, true support for widescreen mode. The current method from the command line with +szx 1920 +szy 1200 added to the command shortcut is a kludgy workaround. 16x9 aspect ratio should be natively supported in-game.

Python Scripting

  • Fix the os module in BF2's implementation of the Python Standard Library.
  • Allow password change at runtime and expose it to Python so that a reserved slots system based on dynamic passwording can be implemented.
  • Allow use of pythonHost object in server console so user-created scripts can be controlled there.
  • Expose the player's CD-key hash, by implementing a bf2.PlayerManager.Player.getKeyHash() method. Important for efficient client authentication.
  • There's presently to way to unregister a normal handler; there's a host.registerHandler, but no host.unRegisterHandler (by way of contrast, both host.registerGameStatusHandler and host.unregisterGameStatusHandler do exist--so the missing method appears to be an oversight).

GameSpy Query

  • bf2_friendlyfire currently only returns a 0/1. Instead it should be whatever value the server administrator has it set at. I think this must be because the server it sending out an integer value, and it only hits '1' when the FF is set to 100%. If the FF is set below 100 on the server, the bf2_friendlyfire always returns 0.
  • Include all friendly fire values (vehicle, spash, vehicle splash)
  • Include the VoIP port, VoIP password required 0/1, remote VoIP IP addr./port
  • Include # TK's required to get a kick
  • The current value for "roundtime" is returning the number of rounds per map. That should proabably really be roundtimeremaining and be returning the number of seconds left in the match if a timelimit is set. The value for the roundspermap should still be included, however, probably as a different name.
  • Include a 0/1 value (off/on) for free cam, ext. views, nose cam, hit ind. please
  • Include the 0/1 value for internet yes/no
  • Include the welcome message

Added on 7/12/05

  • Change the skill data output to be what is displayed in-game and includes points for repairs, supplying and heal/revive
  • Add the kill data for number of enemies fragged

Added on 8/25/05

  • Enable current ticket status of each team to report the actual tickets left and not Zero 100% of the time

PunkBuster Interface

  • Enable Python (and RCon) to receive results from PunkBuster commands. (See here for how it was fixed in BFV).
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