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Please include a brief description (on the script page) of what it is your script hopes to change/accomplish, particularly if it's large. Thank you. --pokerface 20:16, 26 Jun 2005 (MDT)

  • Anyone have a script which logs connections to server and saves it to a file or even a database? --Wizzler 19:54, 7 Jul 2005 (MDT)
    • The dc_ass page has a script on it called "" in the Table of Contents. You can give that a go, it puts all the connects/diconnects into a file in the bf2 main dir. --dst 22:43, 24 Aug 2005 (MDT)

I'd also love to see a script that would log to file (appending) datetime/nick/BF2_GUID upong player join. Additionally a script that logged all chat with the same info would be very helpful.

  • I'd LOVE to see script that set tickets depending on a MAP size! (16, 32 or 64 players map) Or even better, tickets that doesn't depend on a MAP size :) I use 16, 32 & 64 player maps on our server and the problem is that small maps are over quickly and large one last forever (milion tickets). Hope someone got the point. ThanX!
    • This would be fairly simple, save the fact that there's no simple way (that I know of...guys?) to determine the size of a map while it's playing. One thing that might work is checking to see how many players are connected at pregame and set the ticket counts according to that number. And...who are you? ~~~~ is a quick and simple signature on wikis. -dst 22:43, 24 Aug 2005 (MDT)

  • Anyone know of a script that unlocks all weapons?? (its un ranked) and a script that allows a linux server to be key free? 3/14/2007 13:44 gmt-6
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