Talk:Cookbook:Adding New RCon Commands

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Revision as of 22:55, 23 July 2005 by King of Camelot (Talk | contribs)

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Ah, very useful, thanks Woody. Do you know if it's possible to add in your own commands for use with rcon_invoke? --Omnix 16:22, 19 Jul 2005 (MDT)

Thanks! rcon_invoke is actually badly named, as it doesn't have much to do with rcon! What it does is to execute game engine from within Python programs that you would normally enter from the server console window. I suppose it's called "rcon_invoke" because "rcon" can use it to "invoke" server commands.
That said, what you're asking is whether there is a way to create new game engine commands. I suspect there may be a way to do it--there are several events that might possible have some connection with this (the ConsoleSendCommand event, for instance) but no one has figured out how to use them yet (or if they have, they haven't documented their findings in this wiki!). --Woody 16:36, 19 Jul 2005 (MDT)

My main aim was to make my commands usable through the BF2CC front end if required as there's a text box at the top of the main window which runs rcon exec {user input}. I haven't the foggiest on where to start looking to extend that, so I'll hang tight (and hope that somebody else does) meanwhile I'll implement it in its own command. Thanks for the code snippet. --Omnix 07:00, 20 Jul 2005 (MDT)

Omnix, maybe we're in search for the same target... I'm looking for a way to get Punkbuster commands output to (any) remote console including BF2CC. I'll keep watching. --- Dimmer

PunkBuster output is a known broken feature--or more accurately, it's known to be something that was missing when PunkBuster was first added to BF1942 and BFV, which they later added in a patch. There must be some really, really old code in BF2, because the PunkBuster feedback feature and a lot of other things that were added in patches to the older games are missing from BF2. Hopefully they'll add it back in at some point. . . --Woody 15:45, 21 Jul 2005 (MDT)


  • Underplay: This is a very valuable piece of information..thanks ;)
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