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Revision as of 06:59, 4 October 2007 by Woody (Talk | contribs)

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Knowledge base for the Battlefield 2 Command Console


Q: Is there a BF2CC for the retail server?
A: Demo build 1990 together with version 2.1 of the Python scripts works with the retail servers.

update: A: The version BF2CC Client 1.0.2014 is out ; see

Known Bugs

Contributors: List builds the bug is present in. If the bug is fixed, say which build it's fixed in and move it below the active bugs.

Unfixed Bugs

Fixed bugs

Please use this formatting: [revision number of first working fix]: bug

  • 2014: "Server" misspelled "sever" in General Options main tab.

Feature Requests

Contributors: Add your requests here. If a request is implemented, say which build it first appears in and move it below the active requests.

Auto-Admin Features

  • Make certain players immune to "Auto Balance" (And on the fly?)
  • Ability to force a "Team Switch" at the next game start, or between games
  • Ability to stop a side from getting too large... 40 player server, one side could only have 20 or 21 players on it. If limit reached new players were forced to join the other side
  • High ping kicker
  • When the server is idle for a set time (time to set by server admin) switch to the map flagged "idle-map"
  • Auto-switch Teams on end of round
  • Prevent Commander, Squad Leader, and Squad Members from being teamswitched, a setting for all of these levels wheter you wish or do not wish to use Commander, SL or SM protection (for example you only wish to protect the Commander and SL, not the SM's)

Client Features

  • Right click a players name to move to the other team
  • A "notepad" for every BF2CC user, and only to give the owning user read/write access to it, and a special admin permission to read/write those of all users.
  • Show playercount for each team
  • Filter teams in two different lists, if possible with drop and drag support (to switch players by dragging them)

Misc Features

  • Kick/Ban log addition... show player name, players ip, cd-key hash, pb-hash, and reason for kick or ban
  • Advanced permission system for banning: different max-ban times for every user(-group) with special option for perm bans
  • Ability to call 'svn export' using the Daemon (would probably be best to run this in a chroot), this to make it easier for ppl to modify and test their written python scripts, it would need to have these settings: path-to-export-to, external repository, username, pass. The revision number should be asked for when clicking a 'export repository' button, whereas the defauld should of course be HEAD.

Inserted Features

  • Add a Admin/User Level System, so User can be add to be Admin with limited rights Available in the "Daemon version"
  • Make a daemon "version", so remote server restart is possible. (currently in beta) Daemon revision 2020 just left beta stage at RC3
  • Add the build number to the splash screen, so that one can read that when the application crashes before it properly launches. To be found at lower left corner
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