
From BF2 Technical Information Wiki
Revision as of 19:15, 25 March 2010 by Woody (Talk | contribs)

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As I have time I will be documenting my learnings about the insides of BF2 here; unfortunately, "real life" may have other ideas, so please help where you can!

My real name is Forrest Thiessen. I work for Google in "Silicon Valley", and run this site as a hobby. In past lives I used to own Cyberscape Arena, a "cybercafe" in Lone Tree, Colorado, USA, where we played a lot of games like Battlefield, and BroadSky Internet Services, a small web hosting company (which is hosting this site). Before that I worked in the telecommunications industry, doing network engineering and operations, as well as IT, both in the U.S. and in Asia.

My employer has no connection whatsoever with this website. The site is administered by me in a purely personal capacity, and any views expressed in this site are the responsibility of whoever posted them, and not those of my employer.

I can be reached at thiessen (-a-t-) cyberscapearena (-d-o-t-) com.

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