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Here's a script that adds an rcon command called 'map'. I'm not really a programmer so some of this can probably made in a better way but I'm just glad I got it working. Wouldn't mind any tips on improvement though =).


1. Place in the BF2 Server Directory/admin/standard_admin/ directory

2. Add a line in the file in the same directory that says import map

3. Restart server, login through rcon and type 'rcon map' for instructions


Version 0.2 doesn't clear the maplist any longer, it will instead search through your current maplist and append the map requested if it's not already in the rotation.

The Code

As you might see the script is easily customisable so you can add your own aliases if needed.

Download link for the script

 # --------------------------------------
 # Battlefield 2 - rcon command "map" 0.2
 # --------------------------------------
 # Version history:
 #	0.2	Made maplist check so that you won't loose your maplist when the map is changed
 #			through the command.
 # Unnamed	First release. Basic map functionality.
 # Written by biomass from Clan BaconMen (
 # Thanks to Truppo for the inital inspiration =)
 # Lots of kudos to the people behind the BF2 Python Wiki.
 # This scripts let you change maps through rcon without having to deal
 # with a maplist manually. It also allows you to use shorter names for
 # the different maps and currently if a map isn't in your maplist it
 # will be appended and added to that rotation..
 # HOWTO Install:
 # 1. Place in the <BF2 Server Directory/admin/standard_admin/> directory
 # 2. Add a line in the file in the same directory that says
 #	import map
 # 3. Restart server, login through rcon and type 'rcon map' for instructions
 # That's it =)
 import default
 import new
 import host
 import re
 def rcmd_map(self, ctx, cmd):
 	shortmaps = {
 	'dalian': 'dalian_plant',
 	'plant': 'dalian_plant',
 	'dalian_plant': 'dalian_plant',
 	'daqing': 'daqing_oilfields',
 	'oilfields': 'daqing_oilfields',
 	'daqing_oilfields': 'daqing_oilfields',
 	'dragon': 'dragon_valley',
 	'valley': 'dragon_valley',
 	'dragon_valley': 'dragon_valley',
 	'fushe': 'fushe_pass',
 	'pass': 'fushe_pass',
 	'fushe_pass': 'fushe_pass',
 	'gulf': 'gulf_of_oman',
 	'oman': 'gulf_of_oman',
 	'gulf_of_oman': 'gulf_of_oman',
 	'kubra': 'kubra_dam',
 	'dam': 'kubra_dam',
 	'kubra_dam': 'kubra_dam',
 	'mashtuur': 'mashtuur_city',
 	'city': 'mashtuur_city',
 	'mashtuur_city': 'mashtuur_city',
 	'clean': 'operation_clean_sweep',
 	'sweep': 'operation_clean_sweep',
 	'operation': 'operation_clean_sweep',
 	'operation_clean_sweep': 'operation_clean_sweep',
 	'sharqi': 'sharqi_peninsula',
 	'peninsula': 'sharqi_peninsula',
 	'sharqi_peninsula': 'sharqi_peninsula',
 	'strike': 'strike_at_karkand',
 	'karkand': 'strike_at_karkand',
 	'strike_at_karkand': 'strike_at_karkand',
 	'songhua': 'songhua_stalemate',
 	'stalemate': 'songhua_stalemate',
 	'songhua_stalemate': 'songhua_stalemate',
 	'zatar': 'zatar_wetlands',
 	'wetlands': 'zatar_wetlands',
 	'zatar_wetlands': 'zatar_wetlands'
 	maperror = 0
 	mapinmaplist = False
 	if cmd != "":
 		mapvars = cmd.split()
 		if len(mapvars) == 1:
 			if mapvars[0] == 'list':
 				maperror = 2
 				for m in shortmaps:
 					ctx.write(m + ', ')
 			elif mapvars[0] in shortmaps:
 				ctx.write('Please specify playersize...\n')
 				maperror = 1
 				ctx.write('Unknown map...\n')
 				maperror = 1
 		if len(mapvars) >= 2:
 			if mapvars[0] not in shortmaps:
 				maperror = 1
 				ctx.write('Unknown map...\n')
 				if int(mapvars[1]) not in [16,32,64]:
 					maperror = 1
 					ctx.write('Unknown playersize...\n')
 			except ValueError:
 				ctx.write('Unknown playersize...\n')
 				maperror = 1
 		maperror = 1
 	if int(maperror) == 1:
 		ctx.write('map: USAGE: rcon map (partial mapword or complete mapname) (playersize 16/32/64)\n')
 		ctx.write('map: USAGE: rcon map list  - prints a list of valid aliases/names\n')
 	elif int(maperror) == 2:
 		ctx.write('end of maplist\n')
 		maplist = serverConfig("maplist.list")
 		pattern = re.compile('^\d+:\s\"(.*?)\"\sgpm_cq\s(\d{2})$', re.MULTILINE)
 		result = []
 		for maplist in pattern.findall(maplist):
 		for mapavailable in result:
 			if str(mapavailable[0]) == shortmaps[mapvars[0]]:
 				if int(mapavailable[1]) == int(mapvars[1]):
 					mapinmaplist = True
 		if mapinmaplist:
 			host.rcon_invoke("admin.nextLevel " + str(result.index((shortmaps[mapvars[0]],mapvars[1]))))
 			ctx.write('Map in maplist - Changing map to ' + shortmaps[mapvars[0]] + ' - ' + mapvars[1] + ' players\n')
 			ctx.write('Changing map to ' + shortmaps[mapvars[0]] + ' - ' + mapvars[1] + ' players\n')
 			host.rcon_invoke('mapList.append ' + shortmaps[mapvars[0]] + ' gpm_cq ' + mapvars[1])
 			host.rcon_invoke("game.sayAll \"Changing map to " + shortmaps[mapvars[0]] + " - " + mapvars[1] + " players\"")
 			host.rcon_invoke("admin.nextLevel " + str(len(result)))
 newMethod = new.instancemethod(rcmd_map, default.server, default.AdminServer)
 default.AdminServer.rcmd_map = newMethod
 default.server.rcon_cmds['map'] = default.AdminServer.rcmd_map
 def serverConfig(variableName):
 	return host.rcon_invoke(variableName).strip()


2005-Jul-30: Version 0.2 posted

earlier date: First version posted

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