BF2 Technical Information Wiki:About
This website is intended to serve as a resource for the BF2 community, a repository of technical information related to the game Battlefield: 2 (see disclaimers for trademark information). Specifically, we hope to collect a lot of useful information here related to using the embedded Python capabilities of BF2, modding, etc.
This website is a "wiki", meaning that anyone can edit its contents in any way--add pages, change them, even delete them completely. Anyone can freely access the material here; if you'd like to edit it, too, all you have to do to is to create a (free) login for yourself, so we can keep track of who made what changes. Generally speaking, please try to keep the information on each page factual; if you'd like to discuss the content of a page, put the discussion on the related "discussion" page (click the "discussion" tab at the top of the page in question).
This wiki is just getting started, so it has some rough edges and not very much structure yet--please be patient. . . or better yet, please contribute yourself!
The administrator of this wiki can be reached at info (at) fun-o-matic (dot) org.