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For those that want to know how to get this to work:

Make a backup of your drive:\Battlefield 2 Server\admin\standard_admin\

Copy the text into a new file in that same directory and name it

Open this new with your favourite text editor Edit this line:

clanmembers = ["|TAG|Bill","|TAG|John","|TAG|Blue"]#clan members to protect

with the names of members you want to protect, typically your admins

For reading the clanmembers out of a file look at Reading Clanmember from a file --Nexus2k 05:11, 8 Jul 2005 (MDT)

Protecting via clantag match

While putting in individual usernames does provide precision control, it doesn't lend itself to maintainability (each time you add a clan member or they change their name, you need to modify the script).

We can change the way this is controlled by changing our method of comparison. Please see below:

protected_clantags = ['*C1*', '*MoG*', '=STFC=']
protected_individuals = ['Friend_of_Our_Clan','My_Brother']

killer = attacker.getName()
for tag in protected_clantags:
    if tag in killer: return
for friend in protected_individuals:
    if killer == friend: return

Alternately, if you want more control, you can specify a substring to exactly match. For example, tag == killer[:len(tag)] if the tag is in the front, or tag = killer[-len(tag):] if it's in the end. This can be controlled by making a tuple of dics and adding logic to specify checking end or beginning. -- Doulostheos 05:05, 9 Jul 2005 (MDT)

Enhanced clantag & ign match

#killer = "Friend_of_C=CGN=lan"
killer = attacker.getName()

protected_clans = ( {"clan_name":"wicked",
             {"clan_name":"Men of God",
             {"clan_name":"Christian Gaming Network",

protected_individuals = ["My_Mommy","Friend_of_Clan"]

for clan in protected_clans:
    if clan["tag_location"] == "START" and clan["clan_tag"] == killer[:len(clan["clan_tag"])]: return
    elif clan["tag_location"] == "END" and clan["clan_tag"] == killer[-len(clan["clan_tag"]):]: return
    elif clan["tag_location"] == "ANY" and clan["clan_tag"] in killer: return

for ign in protected_individuals:
    if ign == killer: return

-- Doulostheos 09:57, 9 Jul 2005 (MDT)

ClanTkProtection & Ranked servers question

I was looking through the scripts and was wondering if this specific script can be used on ranked servers.

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