BF2142 Command Line Options

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This is a list of BF2142 command line options generated from the .exe using +help. This information is from the tuning beta. The text descriptions are directly from the help. Where I've added more information (and supposition) this is in brackets. NB - These commands are case-sensitive. I have bolded the new options.

Client Options

+multi - Allow starting multiple BF2 instances

+joinServer - Join a server by ip address or hostname

+port - Specifies the network port to be used (when used with joinServer, this is the gameport value, default 16567)

+playerName - Set the player name (Not sure if this actually does anything as player name is set further down)

+password - Set the server password when joining a server

+lowPriority - Run the game with slightly lower priority

+loadlevel - Set the level to load

+wx - Position game window on the screen at certain x-position

+wy - Position game window on the screen at certain y-position

+szx - Set resolution witdth

+szy - Set resolution height

+fullscreen - Start game in full screen mode

+noSound - Start game without sound

+modPath - Set the mod path (default mods/bf2142 - you do not have to use this parameter, however using it when playing a custom mod stops the game restarting to load that specific mod)

+help - Displays this help

+? - Same as +help

+eaAccountName - Auto-login with the specified EA Account Name

+eaAccountPassword - Password to the specified EA Account Name

+soldierName - Auto-login to a soldier in the specified EA Account Name

NB - Automatically joining servers didn't appear to work in the tuning beta.

Server Options

+demo - Sets the con-file with demo options

+config - Sets path to the ServerSettings.con file to use

+mapList - Sets the path to the MapList.con file to use

+maxPlayers - Sets max players.

+gameMode - Sets the game mode.

+ranked - Allows gamespy snapshot sending

+overlayPath - Start game with a custom path for configuration files

+pbPath - Set the path to use for PunkEuster on multi-instance configurations (defaults to {install_dir]-/pb

+dedicated - Start in dedicated server mode

Ranked Server Options

+provider - The name of your organisation.

+region - The area where the server is located, eg UK or US.

+type - Set this to 0 (zero) for Ranked servers.

Advanced Options



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