Getplayerinfo columns

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getplayerinfo Data Columns

Below is a list of all the data columns returned by the getplayerinfo function, see the BF2Stats page for more details.

Column Meanings
Code Type Meaning Aggregates
1 ban N # times banned
2 bbrs N Best round score
3 bksk N Best kill streak
4 bmap N Best round map
5 cacp N # assists capturing control point
6 cdsc N Commander score
7 cmsc N Combat score
8 cpcp N # times captured control point
9 deth N # deaths
10 dfcp N # times defended control point
11 dkas N # kill assists as driver
12 dsab N Driver special ability
13 dtpm F # deaths/minute
14 dtpr F # deaths/round played
15 fkit N Favorite kit
16 fmap N Favorite map
17 fveh N Favorite vehicle
18 fwea N Favorite weapon
19 heal N # heals
20 jond T Date joined
21 kick N # times kicked
22 kila N # kill assists
23 kill N # kills
24 klpm F # kills/minute
25 klpr F # kills/round played
26 klsc N Kill score
27 loss N # losses
28 mode0 N Game mode 0
29 mode1 N Game mode 1
30 mode2 N Game mode 2
31 osaa % Overall small-arms accuracy
32 ospm F Overall score/minute
33 pkas N # kill assists as passenger
34 rank N Rank
35 rpar N # repairs
36 rsup N # resupplies
37 rviv N # revives
38 scor N Global score
39 smoc B Rank = SgtMaj of the Corps?
40 suic N # suicides
41 tcdr E Time as commander
42 tsql E Time as squad leader
43 tsqm E Time as squad member
44 tlwf E Time as lone wolf
45 tgte N # times targeted enemy
46 time E Total time played
47 topr P Top opponent in round
48 tvcr P Top victim in round
49 twsc N Teamwork score
50 wdsk N Worst death streak
51 wins N # wins
52 lbtl T Last battle time
53 vacc % Vehicle accuracy
54 tkil N Team Kill
55 tdmg N Team Damage
56 tvdm N Team Vehicle Damage
57 vrk N Road kill with vehicle
58 mvns S Top victim name
59 mvrs S Top victim rank
60 mvks N Top victim kills
61 vmns S Top opponent's name
62 vmrs S Top opponent's rank
63 vmks N Top opponent's kills
64 abr- N Best round score in army
65 awr- N Worst round score in army
66 alo- N # losses in army
67 atm- E Time in army
68 awn- N # wins in army
69 kdt- N # deaths using kit
70 kkd- R Kill:death ratio using kit
71 kkl- N # kills using kit
72 ktm- E Time playing kit
73 mbr- N Best round score on this map
74 mcm- N # completed on this map
75 mic- N # incomplete on this map
76 mls- N # losses on this map
77 mtm- E Time on this map
78 mwn- N # wins on this map
79 svr- S Server IP or name (svr-0 is the most recently used)
80 vdt- N # deaths by vehicle
81 vkl- N # kills with vehicle
82 vkr- N # roadkills with vehicle
83 vtm- E Time using vehicle
84 vac- % Accuracy with vehicle
85 vkd- R Kill:death ratio using vehicle
86 wac- % Accuracy with weapon
87 wdt- N # deaths by weapon
88 wkl- N # kills with weapon
89 wtm- E Time using weapon
90 wkd- R Kill:death ration using weapon
91 mvn* * Top victim name and rank mvns,mvrs
92 vmr* * Top opponent name and rank vmns,vmrs
93 all* * All player info per*,fav*,-st*,tem*,cmb*,cdr*,brd*,-mp*,svr*
94 ar*- * All stats for this army atm-,awn-,alo-,abr-
95 -ar* * All stats for all armies ar*-
96 brd* * All best round stats bmap,bbrs
97 cdr* * All commander stats cdsc,tcdr
98 cmb* * All combat stats cmsc,osaa,kill,kila,deth,suic,bksk,wdsk,tvcr,topr,klpm,dtpm,ospm,klpr,dtpr
99 fav* * Favorite kit, map, vehicle, and weapon fkit,fmap,fveh,fwea
100 kt*- * All stats for this kit ktm-,kkl-,kdt-,kkd-
101 -kt* * All stats for all kits kt*-
102 mp*- * All stats for this map mbr-,mwn-,mls-,mtm-,mcm-,mic-
103 -mp* * All stats for all maps mp*-
104 per* * Personal stats scor,jond,wins,loss,mode0,mode1,mode2,time,smoc
105 pif* * Basic player info per*,fav*,-st*
106 st*- * All stats for this army, kit, vehicle, and weapon ar*-,kt*-,vh*-,wp*-
107 -st* * All stats for all armies, kits, vehicles, and weapons st*-
108 sv*- * IP or name of this server svr-
109 -sv* * IPs or names of all servers sv*-
110 svr* * All stats for all servers sv*-,kick,ban
111 tem* * All team stats twsc,cpcp,cacp,dfcp,heal,rviv,rsup,rpar,tgte,dsab,dkas,pkas
112 vh*- * All stats for this vehicle vtm-,vkl-,vdt-,vac-,vkr-,vrk
113 -vh* * All stats for all vehicles vh*-
114 wp*- * All stats for this weapon wtm-,wkl-,wdt-,wac-
115 -wp* * All stats for all weapons wp*-
116 de-6 N Flashbang and teargas use (SF)
117 de-7 N Grappling hook use (SF)
118 de-8 N Zip line use (SF)

From checking the data in detail, it looks as if the following fields are not used as of 12/11/2005: vrk (vehicle roadkills), tgte (# times targeted enemy), mode1 and mode2 (most likely new game modes, as mode0 seems to be the standard conquest mode, equals the number of wins and losses added). This has been crosschecked with 5 different pids, among them top ranked players who would mostlikly have one or the other flag or number if it would send a value for that field.


  • All date values are unix timestamps.
  • References to Armies, Kits, Maps, Vehicles and Weapons are numeric, see the BF2Stats page for lookup tables.
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