Port Usage

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EA says the following ports are used by BF2, But the list is suspect for several reasons. The original list was published in a community news letter on EA's official BF2 page, and was a hode podge of ports, now I can't seem to find that community update again, if anyone bookmarked it please let us know the url
Here is a tentative list:

BF2 Server Ports
Protocol Ports In/Out Function
TCP 80  ??? Battle Recorder / PunkBuster
TCP 4711 IN Remote console
 ??? 4712  ??? BF2 CC Daemon
UDP 27901 IN Stats port
UDP 1500-4999  ??? "General use"
UDP/TCP 1024-1124  ??? "General use"
UDP 29900  ??? Server status (Gamespy)
UDP/TCP 27900  ??? Stats port
UDP 16567 IN PunkBuster
UDP 55123-55125 IN/OUT VoIP

I've done some research on ports used and such, please contribute on the What Ports page if you got updates/erratas

Firewalling Your Server

This is from the readmeserver.txt


The use of a software firewall on the server is not recommended,
as it can adversely affect server performance and the overall
gameplay experience.

Ignore this. Running a server on the internet without a firewall is like insert favourite allegory about being sodomized here

How to firewall your server

Two ways to do this:

External firewall
You have a machine that all traffic has to pass through to get to your server (my favourite)
Local Firewall
You are running a firewall on the same server as you have the server (uses local CPU,so not the best way)

We will NOT go into the rigamole on HOW to set up a firewall for your system here, lots of other sites cover this. What we will attempt to cover here is the specific rulesets that are needed for a BF2 server to work properly.

External Firewall

We need more info here folks!

Local Firewall

Linux Iptables

This ruleset allows my server to be seen in the server browser list, people can join it AND use VOIP Note that this is a stander server, only one BF2 server on the machine, and no hank panky with ports used and such

iptables -A <ChainName> -m udp -p udp -m multiport --dports 29900,29901,29902,29903,29904,16567,55125 -j ACCEPT
iptables -A <ChainName> -m tcp -p tcp -m multiport --dports 4711 -j ACCEPT 
iptables -A <ChainName> -m udp -p udp --sport 29910 -s -j ACCEPT
iptables -A <ChainName> -m udp -p udp --sport 29910 -s -j ACCEPT

--Per 02:51, 25 Jun 2005 (MDT)

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