Scripts:Player Position Display

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When run on a testing server this script makes it easy to reposition items around when you're doing server-side mods, as it saves you from opening the BF2 Editor, or trying to get debug to work to get positions.

This has only ever been used to find positions in a local dedicated server, and will probably cause all kinds of problems if run on a public server, as it probably won't handle map changes/more than 1 player.

The positions have 1.0 subtracted from the y axis (vectors are right/up/forward format), as for the player object it is above ground level. Without this flags, vehicles and spawn points will all be above the ground.


Requires Modmanager.

Save the following to a file named in the [bf2server]/admin/modules/ folder, and add a line to enable it in modmanager.con (usually found in [bf2server]/mods/bf2/settings/).

"""Player Position Display module.

===== About =====
This ModManager script displays your current player object's position (less 1.0 in the z axis), and the direction you're facing.
Run it in a solo testing server to find map positions that may be used for server side modding.

Running it on a public populated server will display the positions of all players, and make it difficult to find your own location

===== History =====
 v1.1 - 03/10/2010:
 Repaired and replaced updateTimer to fix problem with shutdown
 Added players name to message output

 v1.0 - 03/05/2008:
 Initial public version

By polarity.
Available from or
You're free to use and modify this script

import bf2
import host
import mm_utils
from bf2.stats.constants import *

# Set the version of your module here
__version__ = 1.1

# Set the required module versions here
__required_modules__ = {
	'modmanager': 1.0

# Does this module support reload ( are all its reference closed on shutdown? )
__supports_reload__ = True

# Set the description of your module here
__description__ = "PlayerPositionDisplay v%s" % __version__

class PlayerPos( object ):

	def __init__( self, modManager ): = modManager
		# Internal shutdown state
		self.__state = 0
		self.__updateTimer = None
	def onPlayerSpawn(self, player, body ):
		if 1 != self.__state:
			return 0
		if (not player.isAIPlayer()):
			self.__updateTimer = bf2.Timer( self.onUpdate, 1, 1 )

	def StopTimer( self ):
		if 1 != self.__state:
			return 0
		if self.__updateTimer is not None:
			self.__updateTimer = None

	def onUpdate( self, data ):
		if 1 != self.__state:
			return 0

		for player in bf2.playerManager.getPlayers():
			if not player.isAIPlayer():
				vehicle = player.getVehicle()
					playerName = player.getName()
					playerPos = vehicle.getPosition()
					playerRot = vehicle.getRotation()
					mm_utils.msg_player( player.index, "%s is at: %.3f / %.3f / %.3f.  Looking %.1f degrees from North." % ( playerName, playerPos[0], playerPos[1] - 1, playerPos[2], playerRot[0] ) )
					#mm_utils.msg_player( player.index, "--------------------------" )
					mm_utils.msg_player( player.index, "failed to find soldier object's position" )

	def init( self ):
		if 0 == self.__state:
			host.registerHandler( 'PlayerSpawn', self.onPlayerSpawn, 1 )
		# Update to the running state
		self.__state = 1

	def shutdown( self ):
		"""Shutdown and stop processing."""

		# Unregister game handlers and do any other
		# other actions to ensure your module no longer affects
		# the game in anyway
		#stop the timer
		# Flag as shutdown as there is currently way to:
		# host.unregisterHandler
		self.__state = 2

	def update( self ):
		"""Process and update.
		Note: This is called VERY often processing in here should
		be kept to an absolute minimum.

def mm_load( modManager ):
	"""Creates and returns your object."""
	return PlayerPos( modManager )


The writers of the other scripts found here on This uses some of them as a foundation.

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