I've moved the content on this page over from the Mysteries page and have done some formatting; I'm not sure this layout is the best to present this information, though. Because there are two variables involved (event and data) it might be better to set it up as some kind of table. . . --Woody 16:41, 15 Jul 2005 (MDT)
Decided to follow Woody's advice and try to throw a table or two in the page. Only problem is I'm new to wiki editing so I'm not entirely pleased with the way it came out. I also probably butchered out some information by accident. Please feel free to fix my tables in any way you see fit.
--King of Camelot 02:29, 29 Jul 2005 (MDT)
Cool! The tables look really nice, great work! --Woody 11:49, 29 Jul 2005 (MDT)
A few quick ones:
(3,1) and (5,4) will on some occasions issue "Blocked for 31 seconds" - run the command again, and the seconds will have counted down some seconds. Sometimes this doesn't do anything.
(6,0) and (6,1) crashes my client (didn't crash when I was in commander overview)
(6,4) Move to other team (also freezes client)
More Pieces of the Puzzle
Another pattern I found in strings in BF2.exe.
- Unknown Replenish-type
- HUD_HUD_REPLENISH_REVIVE_SCORE → "You got a revive score!"
- HUD_HUD_REPLENISH_DRIVER → "You got an driver ability assist!"
- HUD_HUD_REPLENISH_GOT_AMMO_POINT → "You got an ammo giving point!"
- HUD_HUD_REPLENISH_GOT_REPAIR_POINT → "You got a repair point"
- HUD_HUD_REPLENISH_GOT_HEALING_POINT → "You got a healing point!"
- Unknown Conquest-type
- HUD_HUD_CONQUEST_NEUTRALIZE_ASSIST → "You got a neutralize assist point!"
- HUD_HUD_CONQUEST_NEUTRALIZE → "You got a neutralize point!"
- HUD_HUD_CONQUEST_CAPTURE_ASSIST → "You got a capture assist point!"
- HUD_HUD_CONQUEST_FULL_CAPTURE → "You have received points for Flag Capture!"
- Unknown Teamdamage-type
- HUD_HUD_TEAM_DAMAGE_VEHICLE → "Team vehicle damage!"
- HUD_HUD_TEAM_DAMAGE_PLAYER → "Team damage! Don't hurt your teammates"
- AUTO_MOODGP_friendlyfire
- Unknown Assist-type
- c:\dice\Projects\BF2Branches\BF2Demo\Code\BF2\Menu\BF2HudManager.cpp
- HUD_HUD_ASSIST_KILL_TARGETING → "You got a targeting assist!"
- HUD_HUD_ASSIST_KILL_KILL_DAMAGE → "You got a kill damage assist!"
- HUD_HUD_ASSIST_KILL_DRIVER_PASSENGER → "You got a driver kill assist!"
I think a lot of the above speaks for itself, but I'll explain some things. These strings were found pretty much in this order in the exe. You'll notice that some, such as replenish, list the the strings in the opposite order of how they appear in the table. As such, if you were to number the strings starting from the bottom at zero and going up you would find that this numbering would match the data number to the string. The prefixes on most of these strings also correspond to one of the name strings listed on the GameEvent page. Most of the string lists have a "Unknown ____-type" at the top of the list. I've found that when you try to call an event with a data number that is too high, you get an error message stating "Unknown ____-type"(where the blank is the name of the event). The game then promptly crashes. Hopefully this information will help us better understand the subject.
--King of Camelot 18:26, 29 Jul 2005 (MDT)