Talk:Python Cookbook
Need Help
Basemster asks:
There are a lot of stuff that i want to do using python but i dont know if i can for example : - i want to show msg boxes to all the player (not using game.sayall) I think there's a built in system for voting(or just yes/no) that i can use via python but i cannot find it like when the game asks you if you want to be the squadleader (a little msg that shows on the bottom-left of the screen) maybe there's a method of taking input from the player using this message via Rcon or something
Also i want to output a text like the one that appears when there's not enough players to start the game - it will be helpfull to display warnings in the middle of the game and stuff like that
i am trying to make a new game mod i just need to see the tools withing my hands before i go on thanks for the help
--Basemster 14:41, 15 May 2006 (MDT)
dst Cleverly Replies:
First thing's first: Who are you? Make sure to sign your edits with the signature button above the editbox, second from the right.
Second: Just about everything you asked for is documented, in some way, right here.
To keep it short, we don't yet know how to send messages to individual players, only teams. We do know how to ask players questions, but the only two questions we know how to ask are forgiving or punishing teamkills. You can design a chatlog interpreter that can interact with systems completely unrelated to the BF2 server, and have those systems rcon a response back in. There's a really good chance that I'm forgetting something, but this wiki has a whole lot of useful information if you'll take the liberty of wading through it. --dst 14:41, 13 May 2006 (MDT)